Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Assignment 2 creation my animation

I had been given a new Assignment  for creative project to create my penguin animation.

From my pre production I got to finally create my animation. During the creaton I had to use two professional software which were on the Middlesbrough College apple mac computers. The programs were called I-Stop Motion and I-Movie.

work i produced today for my animation 

This is my first attempt for my animation with no titles, effects or sound.

This is my final version of my animation with all my titles, effects and sound.

Using I stop motion program.
 As I was using I-Stop Motion for creaton my penguin animation I found easier then I thought. From moving my characters which were made from modelling clay little spaces at a time and fitting the animation plot with my situation I thought that was more easier then using I-Movie which was more complicated to use.

Using I movie
I used i movwto edit my animation to edit my animation video because it helps to put scenes together and to add various effect such as different colouring, titles and audio. I found I movie also easy to use but also needed a little help form my digital graphics teacher Kevin when it came to mistakes and also my titles. I feel comfortable using the program now and in my finish product for my animation turned out good in the end.

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