Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Creative Project
Looking at examples of animations..
2D animations

3D animations

3 examples of three ideas from other sources in your blog;
I didn't feel as though I had to think of any ideas because I had an idea right from the start and I think it is going to be really good...

Animation Exercise
In my creative project lesson I had to pare up with a partner and do a little demonstration on how I wanted my animation to be so we used a penguin and snail... This is a animation me and Gemma did today on the stop motion animation; even though it is a few second long we think it is good for our first go. It's about a penguin and snail. In the animation we had the penguin coming into the scene after the snail and collapsing. After we had the snail crawling over the penguin to see if penguin was alright and it slowly moving out of the scene. Afterwards the penguin get back up waved at the audience and jumping into water.
You can find our work on Gemma's blog link above.

Ideas for animation:

In my animation  Working Title - Penguins:



(Perry, Ollie and Sophia)

From my pre-production I decided I wanted my main character to be called Alex. With AleX I wanted him to come across as not a very popular penguin and who stays to himself.

From my pre-production I also decided I want a highly powerful soul such as a police officer. I decided to put a police penguin in my animation to show my audience that officers can also be shot in risky situations. So I put Christopher in my animation.

Perry, Ollie and Sophia:
Putting Perry, Ollie and Sophia in my animation I thought would be good for a bad and riskybrisky situation and humerous with young penguin having a gun.

Background Imagers...

I have chosen images from antarctica because with it being a penguins natural habitat.

What my penguins are made from:
When I came to creation my penguins I decided to make them from modelling clay as I wanted them to look more realistic.

In the scenes i want the three penguins Perry, Ollie and Sophia to have guns holding up at Alex. Then Christopher the police man comes along and tries his hardest to stop them but fails and dies as they shoot him into his temple.After I decided I wanted them too runaway from the fray leaving Alex and Christopher the police penguin. As seconds pass Alex checks to see if he is breathing and realises he isnt and begins to panic then decides to abandon the crime scene.

Genre of Animation -
For the genre of my animation I decided it will be a comedy/Action animation.

Audience -
I want the target audience to be based around young teenagers because they is a bit of violence and will be inappropriate for children around 5 to 12 year olds.

Length of Animation - 
The length of my animation will at least be 20 seconds long as it is the amount of time we had been given to do it in for our assignment not including my pre-production Which will take until February.

Illegal and ethical issues - 
In my animation they will be illegal issues as they will be a scene of one of my penguin characters shoots another of my penguin characters.

I don't need to worry about anything about copyright because I am going to create it all myself.

I haven't use any ideas of different animation off the internet or any where else because i thought of it from the top of my head...

My paper cut out animation:

What we did on our animation we used four different cut out of people, furniture and objects. The lady walks into the room past the sofa to the fire which she trips over a pair of slippers into a burning fire and burns to death.

my person Animation -

This is my animation made from just people. Me and Gemma switched directions n the video and then i got behind Gemma pretending I was her arms...

My penguins for my animation
The characters I made for my animation are made from modelling clay. With his type of material i had chosen i think it goes good with making them look more realistic than if i drawn them..



My police man penguin


Alex my main character

Audio for my animation


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